Options Trading Platform

Option chain

Lists all options on an underlying instrument and allows viewing and filtering by strategy Offers the capability to create simulated or planned positions and analyze them in the Risk Profile tool

Earnings analyzer

Demonstrates the correlation between earnings announcements and the prices of securities and derivatives Shows earnings events on the user dashboard with pricing and volatility data

Market depth

Displays Level 1 and Level 2 data and the full market depth from connected exchanges for a selected instrument Highlights pending orders and open positions on top of the current price levels

Trading strategies

Offers options strategies, such as straddle options and butterfly spreads Promotes informed decision-making by providing info on options strategies and their potential benefits and risks


Shows clients how a certain set of symbols moves relative to the open price based on three parameters: color, brightness, and area

Risk profile

What-if analysis tool that allows clients to estimate potential P/L on their current and theoretical options strategies Charts with Greeks help visualize risk and make more informed decisions on strategy adjustments

Stock & options screener

Helps find the best options strategies in real time based on company fundamentals, price information, and technical indicators

Company fundamentals

Provides general (corporate history, description) and financial information about a business

Multi-leg options

Multi-leg trading with stop loss and take profit protection

Options Trading App - Dashboard
Options Trading App - Positions
Options Trading App - Order Details
Options Trading App - Settings
Options Trading App - Options

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დაგეგმეთ სატელეფონო ზარი ჩვენთან

ჩვენი გაყიდვების განყოფილების წარმომადგენელი დაგიკავშირდებათ თქვენი პროექტის დეტალების განსახილველად.

ამ ღილაკზე დაჭერით ვეთანხმები Devexperts-ის კონფიდენციალურობის დებულებას ჩემი პერსონალური ინფორმაციის დამუშავების თაობაზე.