Elder Ray
    • Dark

    Elder Ray

    • Dark

    Article summary

    DXcharts powers DXtrade, DXfina, and FinCharts.
    Check our website to find more information about DXcharts library.

    Elder Ray is a technical indicator that measures the buying and selling pressure in the market. It comprises BullPower and BearPower indicators that derive from 13-period EMA and fluctuate above or below the zero line. Measuring the deviation of High/Low prices from the average price, BullPower and BearPower represent bullish or bearish strength in the market respectively.

    BullPower = High - EMAn
    BearPower = Low - EMAn

    EMA – Exponential Moving Average
    n – the number of periods

    Elder RayElder Ray


    LengthThe number of periods the indicator uses to calculate EMA


    The plot renders the data you are working with on the chart. You can show/hide a plot by clicking the corresponding item in the settings. Every plot has a set of basic settings that you can change: color, weight, and type.

    BullPowerThe BullPower plot
    BearPowerThe BearPower plot
    ZeroThe zero level

    Click the color rectangle under the plot's name to open the palette. Use the slider at the bottom to set the opacity of the color.


    To create a custom color:

    1. Clickto open the color picker
    2. By using the slider at the bottom, adjust the main color
    3. Then, set a shade for the main color on the palette

    The custom-created colors are added to your palette. To remove a custom color, drag it out of the palette.

    Change the value (in px) to adjust the thickness of the plot.
    The following plot types are available:
    • Linear. The plot is displayed as a line.
    • Column. The plot is displayed as a histogram.
    • DifferenceThe plot is displayed as a line which represents the difference between High and Low prices of the bar.
    • PointsThe plot is displayed as points.
    • Text above candleThe plot is displayed as the price labels above candles on the chart.
    • Text below candleThe plot is displayed as the price labels below candles on the chart.
    • Triangle above candleThe plot is displayed as triangles above candles on the chart.
    • Color candle. The candles on candle-type charts are highlighted with specified colors.


    Check Overlaying to display the indicator on the chart. Otherwise, the indicator is shown in a study pane down below.

    Note: To reset the settings, click Restore to Default next to the SETTINGS: INDICATOR'S TITLE