- DarkLight
- DarkLight
Equivolume is similar to the Candle chart, but instead of the candles it shows equivolume boxes, rectangles of different width and height. The width of the volume bar is proportional to the volume traded during the aggregation period. The upper boundary of the hollow rectangle indicates the High price reached during the aggregation period, and the lower boundary indicates the Low price during the aggregation period. The Equivolume chart does not show the open price, but it can show the close price. The setting can be enabled/disabled through Settings> General > Show close price.
The equivolume box borders are colored depending on whether the Close price is greater or lower than the Open price of the current aggregation period. The volume bar body is color-filled depending on whether the Close price is greater or lower than the Open price of the current aggregation period. The coloring patterns are:
- Close price > Open price - Bull border (green by default)
- Close price < Open price - Bear border (red by default)
- Close price = Open price - Doji (white by default)
- Close price > Open price - Bull (green by default)
- Close price < Open price - Bear (red by default)
You can select alternative colors for equivolume bars in Settings> Colors