- DarkLight
High-Low Volatility
- DarkLight
The High-Low Volatility indicator measures price volatility in a specific way: it considers min and max price values for a given period and relates them to the current price. The values are calculated as a percentage ratio of two EMAs, EMA1 for the difference between highest high and lowest low prices, and EMA2 for the current close.
High-Low Volatility = EMA1 (Highest High - Lowest Low) / EMA2 (Current close) * 100
EMA – Exponential Moving Average
Input | Description |
Length | The number of periods the indicator uses to calculate EMAs |
The plot renders the data you are working with on the chart. You can show/hide a plot by clicking the corresponding item in the settings. Every plot has a set of basic settings that you can change: color, weight, and type.
Plot | Description |
H-Lvlt | The High-Low Volatility plot |
Zero | The zero level |
Color |
Click the color rectangle under the plot's name to open the palette. Use the slider at the bottom to set the opacity of the color. To create a custom color:
The custom-created colors are added to your palette. To remove a custom color, drag it out of the palette. |
Weight |
Change the value (in px) to adjust the thickness of the plot. |
Type |
The following plot types are available:
Check Overlaying to display the indicator on the chart. Otherwise, the indicator is shown in a study pane down below.