Horizontal Ray
    • Dark

    Horizontal Ray

    • Dark

    Article summary

    DXcharts powers DXtrade, DXfina, and FinCharts.
    Check our website to find more information about DXcharts library.

    Horizontal Ray is a tool that draws a horizontal line that extends from the point of its origin to the right indefinitely.

    To add a Horizontal Ray to the chart, click its name or the iconhorizontal_ray_icon(1)on the Drawings Panel. Click an element on the chart or point to it to see the value on the price scale on the right. Then click on the chart to place the ray.

    Note: To cancel drawing, press ESC

    Horizontal_RayHorizontal Ray

    Actions with the Horizontal Ray

    • To edit the Horizontal Ray, point to the ray and drag it by its point.
    • To move the Horizontal Ray, simply drag it to where you want it on the chart.
    Note: To open the settings window, double-click the line on the chart

    Horizontal Ray Toolbartoolbar1(2)

    Color. In the Color section, you can change the color of the Horizontal Ray. The slider at the bottom is intended to set transparency of the color.
    To create a custom color:
    • clickto open the color picker
    • by using the slider at the bottom, adjust the main color
    • on the color picker, set a shade for the main color

    The custom-created colors are added to your palette. To remove a custom color, drag it out of the palette.

    Weight. In the Weight section, you can set the thickness and style for the ray (currently, only dashed style is available).
    Settings. A set of parameters that are described in Horizontal Ray settings.
    Lock. Locks the drawing position. The figure cannot be moved or edited on the chart.
    Delete. Removes a horizontal ray from the chart.
    Note: To delete a horizontal ray, you can also press the Delete or Backspace button on your keyboard

    Horizontal Ray Settings

    • Coordinates. The coordinates of the start and end points of the Horizontal Ray that you can specify manually by filling out the price, date and time values.
      Select Show price to highlight the value on the price scale on the right.
      Select Show time to highlight the value on the time scale at the bottom.
    • Style. In this section, you can set a color and style of the line.

    Click Close to apply the settings.

    Note: At the bottom-left corner of the window, click Restore Defaults to reset the settings

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