Release Notes
- DarkLight
Release Notes
- DarkLight
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Android Version 1.2.0
Release date: Sep 27, 2024
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue with incorrect labeling of trade buttons: Sell - Bid price, Buy - Ask price.
- Fixed an issue where the name of a long template wasn't displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where a pointer couldn't go to the end of the template name.
- Fixed an issue where favorite indicators were displayed incorrectly.
The Android library documentation has been updated:
- Added an example for creating a data provider.
- Fixed an issue with displaying text in code blocks.
iOS Version 1.0.0
Release date: Jul 1, 2024
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where zooming caused the chart to fall out of the web view.
- Fixed an issue where the app would crash on adding/removing an indicator.
- Fixed an issue where indicators from a template were not displayed on a chart.
- The iOS library documentation has been created.
Android Version 1.1.0
Release date: Jun 10, 2024
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect date and time on the time scale after switching aggregations.
- Fixed an issue with a blinking screen that prevented instrument selection.
- Fixed an issue where selected aggregation period doesn't apply to the chart.
- Localized the UI values for indicators settings.
- Fixed an issue when Fibonacci Arcs has no coordinates or date/time on scales.
- Fixed an issue with increased Drawings toolbar.