Interview with Boyan, Chief Accountant

For this month’s dxSpotlight interview, we welcome Boyan, Chief Accountant, based in our Sofia office.
In this conversation, we will explore his outlook on his profession and its challenges, but we’ll also go beyond accounting to discover his lesser-known talents.
How would you explain your job to your parents?
It’s funny that you’re asking me that because accounting is the family business. As such, my parents know very well what sort of tasks I have and the challenges that I face.
For someone who doesn’t know much about this area, I would describe accounting as the field concerned with keeping and processing very important financial information that is later summarized into financial statements. These are reports that explain the financial transactions of any company.
Do you find there are specific challenges to accounting practices in our company?
The complexity of Devexperts’ projects and products is also expressed by the sheer volume of information that needs to be processed in accounting. It’s a demanding task to make sure that all the revenue and expenses are properly processed according to every product and project. This is a delicate and thorough process from beginning to end.
What was the most important lesson you learned while working at Devexperts?
Make sure that you’ve understood the task that is asked of you before accepting it. This can help you be certain of what is expected of you and your work. Also, it’s always good to confirm that you have all the right people involved in the task you’re working on. These can seem to be basic lessons, but they are the foundations of effective communication in the workplace.
What’s the proudest moment of your career so far?
We have recently hit a big milestone at Devexperts that made me particularly proud of my work. We had a full tax revision of the company in Bulgaria, and we managed to deliver everything in order with the highest standards in mind. It was a lot of work with an intensive focus on detail and the results paid off. The tax authorities were very pleased with us, and they gave us very positive feedback.
What’s your usual work routine?
I prefer to prioritize my tasks according to how intellectually demanding they are. I normally start off with the easiest task I have for the day. I like to deal quickly with repetitive tasks that don’t require a lot of thinking, so I can get later to the ones that interest me the most. I enjoy the sort of work that requires careful consideration and attention to detail.
One thing I also really like is optimizing my processes and automating them as much as possible. There are a lot of customization possibilities with software that eases a lot of the workload.

Beyond accounting, you also have a less-known talent in engineering. Would you like to share with us your experience in designing and implementing a computer-controlled water sprinkler system last year?
That was a fun experience! My family has a summer house that has quite a large yard, we’re talking more or less a thousand square meters. In order to maintain the grass in good condition, we needed some kind of automated watering system.
Instead of getting help from a company that would provide us with a professional solution, I decided to undertake this project with help from my brother. Together, we found out that this whole enterprise could pretty much be summed up as LEGO for grown-ups. We had a lot of fun researching and building it and the result was just what we needed.
You also seem to have an adventurous streak as shown in your love of sports. What is your favorite hobby?
I’ve practiced kitesurf and fencing in the past but these days I love to ski. Whenever I go skiing, it does wonders for my well-being. That is my time to just enjoy the present, the scenario around me, and breathe the healthy fresh air. I believe that moments like this are needed, moments where you’re not on your phone scrolling or having your mind occupied with numerous thoughts.

Who inspires you?
My mother is always an inspiration to me. She’s a fantastic specialist in her field and her work attitude and experience are something that I aspire to.
I’m also very inspired by Viktor Andonov, CEO of Devexperts Bulgaria. His vision and achievements are a continuous source of inspiration to me. Viktor has managed to create an office with many people working in harmony and with a true spirit of collaboration. I believe he is responsible for that due to his leadership.