DXmatch Matching Engine

Ultra-fast. Impressively scalable. Secure.

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A turnkey exchange solution

DXmatch is a complete infrastructure: order matching engine, market data delivery, storage, risk management suite, APIs for market access, and rich administrative UI.

Stocks and derivatives exchange

Market place

Swap execution facility

Electronic communication network (ECN)

Alternative trading system (ATS)

Dark pool

Proven, resilient,
regulation-ready platform

The full cycle of operations, tools, and modules for running a 24/7 exchange business.

Why DXmatch?

Broad range of assets

DXmatch is asset-agnostic, it supports  equities, futures, options, FX, digital assets, NFTs, as well as non-standard industries, like bets, real estate, and predictions.


Stateless APIs for trading and exchange management (REST, FIX), automatic failovers (RAFT protocol).


Capacity grows using the horizontal scaling mechanism. Each matching segment handles up to 100,000 orders/second. Install however many segments your business requires.

Ultra-low latency

The advanced bare metal system setup provides sub-100 microsecond, 99th percentile wall-to-wall latency for order processing via high-performance FIX API.

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Autonomy and self-service

The richness of the admin panel provides an opportunity to configure the system, monitor trading operations, and intervene when needed.

Risk management

DXmatch has a safety net to protect customers from accidents using the following risk controls available immediately. Additional risk controls are available in DXmatch upon request.

Fat finger protection

DXmatch ensures traders won’t enter an erroneous order with a price that’s too far from the market price.

Price slippage limit

The DXmatch algorithm sets a limit price for Market and Stop orders to prevent order execution too far from the best market price.

Self-trade prevention

The system prohibits matching buy and sell orders from the same market participant, ensuring appropriate order placement.

Mass cancel

Exchange operators can cancel all working orders by market participant, symbol, and instrument type at once.

Min/max order limits

Validation of order quantities and prices to comply with min and max limits. Market participants are protected from entering an order with invalid quantities.

Kill switch

All working orders pertaining to a market participant can be canceled at once while preventing new ones.

Cancel on disconnect

Automatically cancel all orders of a market participant in the event of a FIX API’s disconnect.

Message throttling

Limits the number of messages received per second from a market participant.

Various installation options

DXmatch is delivered as RPM-packaged applications for installation to any RPM-based Linux operating system (RedHat, Oracle, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Rocky Linux).

Bare metal

for the most stable progressing latency


for maximum flexibility: Google Cloud (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

Recommended setups

Development and testing: 1x Server or VM 64 GB RAM

Minimum production: 6x Servers, 32 GB RAM each

Highly available 2 segment production setup: 16x Servers + VMs 32 GB RAM each

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