We’re Heading to Forex Expo Dubai, October 7-8

We’re heading to Forex Expo Dubai, October 7-8

Meet Devexperts at booth #195 on October 7-8!

The Forex Expo Dubai 2024 is a highly anticipated event where forex traders, brokers, investors, and financial institutions come together to connect and network. 

The expo will be an opportunity to meet with our in-house experts, who have an exceptional understanding of the current challenges and opportunities in the industry. 

Experience the unique end-user experience that DXtrade CFD and DXcharts provide, with in-person demos, guided by our team. 

The following representatives from Devexperts will be on hand in Dubai: 

  • Denis Kozlov, VP of Business Development
  • Jon Light, Head of OTC Platform
  • Vitaly Kudinov, Senior VP of Sales and Business Development
  • Sofia Alhadra, Business Development Manager 

DXtrade CFD is our trading platform for FX, CFD, and spread-betting brokers, with direct TradingView integration. 


DXcharts is an interactive financial charting library with nimble navigation, modern UI, and real-time market data. Access is possible anywhere, anytime, using a native mobile app.

Forex Expo Dubai will be held at the World Trade Centre Resort on the 7th and 8th of October, 2024. 

Here you can check out the value-packed agenda and speaker list.

Also, heading to the conference? Schedule a meeting with the team in advance using this form

We look forward to seeing you in Dubai!