Devexa Updates: Dollar Cost Average, Knowledge Base, Technical Analysis, and More

Hello everyone! Today, we’re thrilled to announce the latest update to Devexa, your trusted virtual assistant and chatbot. This time we’re introducing Dollar Cost Average, the knowledge base automation, integration with TechSignals, and more. Welcome to the new and improved Devexa powered with even more features!

Dollar Cost Average (DCA)

One of the key new features we’ve added to our chatbot is DCA. DCA is a Dollar Cost Average strategy that allows traders to invest equal amounts of money at regular intervals. The strategy helps reduce the risk of market volatility by breaking up large investments into manageable chunks spread out over time.

Creating an order (DCA) in the trading platform chatbot
Creating an order (DCA) in the trading platform chatbot

For example, instead of buying 10,000 shares of Apple all at once, you can break it up into 10 different chunks and ask Devexa to buy them every month/day. DCA is not part of the basic functionality of the trading platform, but it is available through the Devexa chatbot.

You don’t need to know any special commands to get started, just type in what you want to buy, the amount, and how often you need to do that action. You can view your current orders at any time or cancel them as usual orders using the chatbot.

Technical analysis (TechSignals integration)

Another important possibility we’ve added is built-in technical analysis. Devexa is now powered with TechSignals – the service that provides AI-driven technical analysis on demand directly from the trading platform. To initiate technical analysis in Devexa, simply type “technical analysis” in the chatbot and follow the instructions. You can select a ticker or send any chart with data.

Asking to perform technical analysis
Asking to perform technical analysis

When the analysis is finished, you’ll get a brief overview of the chart data. The chatbot will come up with a detailed analysis of technical indicators, support and resistance levels, bull and bear cases, etc.

TechSignals provides Devexa with technical analysis
TechSignals provides Devexa with technical analysis

Knowledge base automation

The next addition is really big and groundbreaking. Now, you can teach Devexa to use any source of information: websites, articles on Confluence, as well as just PDF pages. The type of source can be anything, whether it is an educational portal, a FAQ, a fintech knowledge base, a set of articles, or anything else.

Devexa will use that source to find and provide the information for the users’ questions. She will use the documents or a link that you’ve attached (if you specify a website, Devexa will look through all the subpages).

Then, Devexa retrieves the data, processes it to convert it into a structured format – parsing text documents into fields and records and indexing the data. Given a query, Devexa then runs the retrieved information through generative models to produce a final response. She provides a user with an answer as a merged summary – the most relevant pieces of information from the knowledge base. Devexa does this at supersonic speed, so you’ll quickly get used to asking questions through the chatbot.

Devexa uses a website to answer the user’s query
Devexa uses a website to answer the user’s query

The knowledge base automation would help a lot with:

  • FAQs and troubleshooting. Automating the process of answering common questions by extracting data from support pages.
  • Product information. Providing comprehensive product descriptions and comparisons by analyzing product pages.
  • Dynamic content updates. Keeping users up to date with the latest news by continuously updating from parsed articles or blog posts.
Devexa uses a knowledge base to answer the user’s query in the trading platform
Devexa uses a knowledge base to answer the user’s query in the trading platform

For example, prop trading firms can use Devexa to handle common requests incorporating detailed FAQ sections for rules and terms of service. This eliminates delays and improves accuracy when communicating terms and conditions that must adhere to precise legal language.

In addition to the Point of Interest, which characterizes the trading activity of the users, we’ve added an additional way to gain insight into your users’ needs through the Trends page. Here, Devexa showcases 9 key charts and a skills table that lists the frequency of skills used, sorted by usage.

This information allows you to make adjustments more thoroughly and better understand the needs of your users.

Trends page
Trends page

For example, you might want to send training materials to the targeted audience or make some information more prominent on your website.

Creating polls in Devexa

With the latest update, Devexa has gained a great deal of flexibility when it comes to conducting surveys. Polling now allows you to create multi-question surveys for your end users and target those who have given specific answers. This flexibility makes the polling feature a really important tool for gathering opinions.

For example, you can filter users who answered “X” to “Question 1”. Then, Devexa will send targeted messages to these users with any educational material, webinar invitations, YouTube videos, etc.


Different tabs in the chatbot

The Devexa chatbot can now offer 4 tabs for different purposes:

  • The Feed tab shows your users the latest news and updates that are personalized and relevant to their trading interests. It helps keep them informed of the latest market movements and trends.
  • The AI Assistant tab serves as an intelligent hub. It combines live chat, video calls, screen sharing, broadcasting, and chatbots into a single tab.
  • The Feedback tab allows users to share their thoughts and suggestions to help you continuously improve their experience.
  • The Announcements tab is used to broadcast important company messages and updates. It ensures that your users stay informed about important events and communications from your organization. Whether it’s a major company milestone, a critical update, or general news, the Announcements tab keeps everyone in the loop with timely and relevant information.

That’s it! Be sure to try out these new features in Devexa! Get connected with traders through our AI assistant! 

Stay tuned and we’ll be in touch with more updates coming your way soon.

The Devexa team